A few weeks before finding out about our little guy, we moved back to Provo. We love our apartment and being close to family and friends, but sometimes we miss the small town feel that Rexburg had. We don't miss the lack of variety. There's lots to do and see and eat in Provo.
We've also started new jobs- I work as a teacher's aide at Canyon Crest Elementary, and Jason is working as a programmer for Quomation- a company that designs software for insurance companies. We both enjoy our jobs, but look forward to crashing together after Jason gets home from work.
We also have new church callings! Jason is a Webelos leader, and is enjoying getting back into scouting. I am a Sunbeams teacher, and those four year olds are giving me a run for my money.
We start school in January, and then life will change again. In the mean time, we will be focusing on getting things ready for the baby and enjoying the holidays.
These are our most recent photos, which are sadly from the Fourth of July and August. They slightly misrepresent us- yes, my hair is no longer red, but Jason is currently sporting a full beard, and loving looking like a lumberjack. It looks good on him.