So life at the Wells' apartment has been pretty low key lately. Madelyn is just eating, sleeping, and playing. She is a little bit of a stinker, but she's also super happy. We like her, and we'll keep her. So here's what Madelyn can do:
-Smile! She's really learning how to respond to us, and her happiest time of the day is 6 am.
-Kick. Her favorite places are in the tub and against any flat vertical surface.
-Coo. When Madelyn is happy, she likes to talk. Otherwise, she yells.
-Pout. She's got her daddy's talent for pouting. Nough said.
We love having her home. We fall more in love with her everyday.
Jason is still working in the Church's IT department, and will be switching over from his intern status to contingent staff once school starts. He's pretty awesome at his job, and everybody loves him.
I am at home all day, almost every day. This means that I now follow half a dozen TV shows via Hulu. I'm lame, I know. It does help me get through the 45-minute long feeding sessions (Madelyn likes to goof off while she eats). I'm also having fun sewing things for Madelyn- a blessing dress, a car seat canopy, and a sling, so far. Otherwise, I'm trying to brainstorm what in the world to do for Madelyn's room, at the lowest cost possible. It's interesting.....
And of course, I'm cooking! And baking! And gaining weight....but Jillian Michaels and I are working on that.
How fun, I wish Gabe had a room that I could do things with... Glad you guys are doing good (other than the stinky cold, that is...).